Homework w.b. 22.01.18

Please see below for this week’s homework


M: Free choice

T: Read first third of text.

W: Read second third of text.

Th: Read to end of text



M: Write all words twice and clarify orally

T – Th: Free choice active spelling activity from sheet



M: Sheet

T: Education City or Sumdog

W: Sheet

Th: Education City or Sumdog



Scots Language workshop on Wednesday 24th January.

Try to wear some tartan for Burns day on Thursday!


Homework w.b. 15.01.18

Please see below for this week’s homework


M: Free choice. Talk to your adult about your Reading Passport. Choose one personal challenge and write it in the space provided.

T: Read first third of text.

W: Read second third of text.

Th: Read to end of text



M: Write all words twice and clarify orally

T – Th: Free choice active spelling activity from sheet



M: Sheet

T: Education City or Sumdog

W: Sheet

Th: Education City or Sumdog



We are going to be learning about Ancient Egypt in Social Studies and The Senses in Science. Please discuss these topics with your child. You may wish to note down any interesting questions they would like to find answers to in the course of our learning.

Writing and French work going home this Friday 19th. Please return on Monday 22nd.

Scots Language workshop coming up on Wednesday 24th January.

Homework w.b. 08.01.18

Happy New Year and welcome back!

Please see below for this week’s homework.


Mon-Thu: Log into Education City and choose your spelling group then do some revision activities. 5 mins each evening.


Mon: Personal reading

Tues: Read first third of book

Wed: Read second third of book

Thu: Read to end


Mon-Thu: Education City or Sumdog. 10 mins each evening.

Reindeer research and super sleighs

We used our reading skills to identify and discuss the features of  a non-fiction text. We then looked more closely to find information about reindeer. After that we discussed what makes Santa’s reindeer different and unique. Did you know that reindeer’s noses warm the air they breathe? This is probably what gives Rudolph his famous red nose.

In Technologies we worked in teams to design and build a new sleigh for Santa. We came up with lots of special features like turbo boosters, lights, comfortable seats, landing pads and emergency wheels.



Homework w.b. 18.12.17

Please come to school in your party clothes on Tuesday. You may also bring in one game or toy from home on Tuesday.

All other homework is optional:

  • Bake/cook a Christmas/winter recipe
  • Think about Papa Panov and do something kind
  • Tidy up your toys and make space for new ones that Santa might bring
  • Safely look at the moon and think about which phase it is in
  • Play Education City or Sumdog
  • Listen to or sing some Christmas songs
  • Read a book about Christmas or winter
  • Follow these links:




Thank you for your continued support. Wishing you all a fun family holiday with plenty of time to rest and relax too. 



Christmas stories

Like seasoned professionals we performed our Nativity play “It’s a Miracle” four times! After all our hard work and enjoyment we are now a little sad that we won’t get to come together again to sing and perform with P1 and P2.

  • I thought we all spoke clearly
  • We got much better at listening to our partners and speaking together
  • It was fun to do it in front of the audience
  • I liked wearing colourful clothes
  • We were really confident singers

In RME we have been using the story of Papa Panov to think about shared values that are important to us all.



Weather watching

We have learned about equipment that weather watchers and meteorolgists use and we have started to record the weather each day.


We have been describing the weather with different technical vocabulary and we have used a thermometer too. Our next challenge will be to build a rain gauge to measure precipitation. Do you know what that means? You can ask us to clarify.

We have also used the recent weather as inspiration for art + design, improving our drawing and collage skills as well as learning more about colour. What do you think?