All posts by Miss Paterson

Pizza and pasta perfection

This week we have learned more about the roles and responsibilities in running a busy restaurant. We started the week with a really interesting and fun visit from Adam and Ahmed. They came from Toni’s Pizzeria and told us about the importance of hygiene and safety before showing us how to make pizzas with fresh ingredients. We used good listening and teamwork skills to make our own delicious pizza 🍕.



Inspired by this experience we then went shopping to buy ingredients to use in further cooking. We used mental maths and calculator skills to stay within our budget and well as applying problem solving strategies.


Finally we used the ingredients we had bought and used our creativity to make a variety of pizzas, wraps and pasta dishes. Lots of us improved our cutting skills and tasted new things. Thank you to the adults who helped with advice, support and tidying up!




Homework w.b. 11th June 2018

Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.


Rockets   M: Ch1+2      T: Ch 3+4  W: Ch 5+6

Shooting Stars M: p1-20     T: p21-40     W: p41-60

Astronauts and Flying Saucers   M: First third   T: Next third    W: Read to end


M: Write each word twice and clarify orally

T-Th: Free choice active spelling


See sheet


  • We came 20th of 72 classes in last week’s ERC Sumdog competition! Well done!
  • Stevenson go on their reward day trip this Thursday 14th.
  • This week is financial education week and we will focus on this in numeracy and maths.
  • P2 are selling animal erasers (60p each) in an enterprise topic with proceeds going to the SSPCA. Bring in money if you wish to buy one.
  • Look in your child’s bag on Friday for this year’s report.
  • Can you join us on a trip to Morrison’s on Wednesday 20th June at 11am? Please let me know. We are going to buy supplies for our restaurant.
  • Can you help us prepare food in our restaurant on Friday 22nd June at 2pm? Please let me know.

Homework w.b. 4th June

Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.


Rockets:  M: Ch 5       T: Ch 6    W: Ch 7

Shooting Stars, Astronauts and Flying Saucers: M: First third    T: Next third

W: Read to end


M: Write each word twice and clarify orally.

T-Th: Choose an active spelling activity each day.


Keep up the great work on Sumdog until the ERC competition ends this Thursday evening. We are currently (Monday morning) in 9th place! 🙂


P4-7 school show Wednesday evening, Thursday afternoon and Thursday evening.

Sports Day this Friday at 1pm.

Ita In Italy

In our final topic of the year we are learning about jobs and the roles people play in a business. We are also finding out more about food provenance and preparation.

We are exploring different ways of making decisions and we voted for the best name for our restaurant before choosing different texts to create for use in the restaurant. We made menus, posters, order sheets, signs and recipes using our knowledge of the features of these different texts.

Homework w.b. 28.05.18


Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.


Read aloud and enjoy the poems you have been given. Practise one which you could read with expression in class on Friday.


Education City or Sumdog. EastRen Sumdog competition begins 1st June.


This week practise writing any tricky names of people who are important to you – friends and family. You could also think of places you like to visit and find out how to spell them. Choose no more than 10 words and REMEMBER CAPITAL LETTERS!


SSPCA visit this Wednesday. Please ask us what we learned.


Please come to our P3-P5 Pizza, Pakora and Poetry afternoon on 21st June.  See letter for details and please note attendance by return.


Are you growing and looking after any plants at home? You could send a photo to share in class:


When you eat dinner think about the food on your plate. Did it come from a plant? If so, which part? Is it still in its natural state or did it go through a process before you could eat it? (Like cocoa beans becoming chocolate)


Homework w.b. 21st May 2018

Please see below for this week’s homework and other information.

Homework w.b. 21.05.18


Rockets: M: Ch 1     T: Ch  2                W: Ch 3

Astronauts, Shooting Stars, Flying Saucers

M: Read first third of book

T: Read next third of book

W: Read to the end



M and W: Mental maths sheet             T and Thu: Education City or Sumdog



M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.

T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.


Remember school is closed from Friday 25th May – Tues 29th May incl.

Movie night this Tuesday 22nd May.

Please come to our P3-P5 Pizza, Pakora and Poetry afternoon on 21st June.                   See letter for details.

Potty for plants! 👩🏼‍🌾👨🏽‍🌾🌵🌱🌿🌷🌸🌻

Following an interest in plants during our recent Climate Zones mini topic we have been learning more in sciences.

We knew most of the main parts of a plant from previous learning but now better understand what they all do.

We understand that humans can eat many plants and named many foods we know that are plants or derived from plants. We tasted papaya – a fruit – and radish – a root.






To better understand the variety of plants around us and what each species needs to grow we investigated plants in the school grounds and made notes and observational drawings. We are going to discuss what we saw and work out what it might tell us about different plants and the conditions they require to grow well.

Homework w.b. 14.05.18

Homework w.b. 14.05.18

CLIMATE ZONES RESEARCH PROJECT We have all been quite astounded at the interesting facts, carefully made posters, models and PowerPoints and the diverse presenting styles in our class. Thank you for all your support with this successful research task. We would like to invite you to join us at 2:50pm this Friday so we can share all of our wonderful work.

Rockets: Read p65 – end this week
Astronauts: Read the whole book WITH EXPRESSION. You can share your story out loud with the class on Friday.
Shooting Stars: M p7-19, T p20-37, W p37-end
Flying Saucers: Read the whole book and share the facts you learn.

M and W: Mental maths sheet
T and Thu: Education City or Sumdog

M: Write all words twice and clarify orally.
T – Th: Do free choice active spelling activity from sheet.

SCIENCES Use what we have learned in class and try growing some plants at home!


Climate Zones

Having worked hard at improving our notemaking, ICT and other skills this year we were ready to undertake some personal research.

After learning a little about the world’s four main climate zones in class we then chose which we wanted to learn more about and how we wanted to share our fantastic facts.

Here a just a few examples of our successful independent work: