Tag Archives: numeracy

Learning about measure.

We were learning about measure in numeracy today.

We know that you can measure with a measuring tape.  We thought of lots of measure words – big, tiny, medium, giant, ginormous,

We read a book about Sam – he needed someone taller to hold his kite.  We measured ourselves against Sam to see if we were taller.

We made kites with different lengths of tails.


We compared to see who had the longest and shortest tail.

We use super language – long, longer, longest.  Short, shorter, shortest.

We had great fun flying our kites in the playground!



Another busy week in Primary 1…

Primary 1 have had another busy week learning lots of new things!

In numeracy, we have been working on our number formation – look how many numbers we can write!
We are able to recognise numbers up to 10 and accurately count out the correct amount.
We have really enjoyed using the Loose Parts are to create our own patterns.
In Science, we started our ‘Senses’ topic by discussing and identifying what our 5 senses are. We then used our senses when we made sensory play dough.
The play dough smelled “orangy” and “yummy”. The flour “felt like snow”. The beads made the play dough “crunchy”. We can’t wait to use the play dough in our learning!
We have loves exploring all of the interesting items at our ‘Tinker Table’. We think there are lots of budding engineers in Primary 1!


Welcome to Primary 1!

Primary 1 have already been very busy in the classroom.  We have started learning  all sorts of things including our Jolly Phonic sounds and our numbers.

We really enjoy our outdoor play.  This is called Muddy Movers – we have been lucky so far that the rain has stayed away and the sun has shone but we will be out in all weathers.  Please make sure that your child has suitable clothing on a Wednesday.

I wonder who is in here?
Great teamwork as we plan our den.
Problem solving to create an assault course.
Tasty fish and chips!
We found a shield beetle and got to hold it and look closely at it.
Excited to find a yellow ladybird.
Ordering our numbers.