Category Archives: Loose Parts

Maths Week

Primary 1 are always keen to develop their mathematical skills and they enjoyed developing their knowledge during Muddy Movers today.

Some people used the large pipes to create 2D shapes – triangles, squares and rectangles and someone even discovered that they could make a circle using the curved pipes.

This was a very long bug hotel.

Other pupils worked co-operatively to create a long bridge that spanned a distance.

We were impressed by the patterns that were created using the stones.

We also used the stones and wood blocks to measure the length of the sticks.  We then decided to hold the sticks together to compare them.

The pipes were also used to measure the whole length of the playground.  One pupil discovered that they were different thicknesses and that some pipes fitted inside the others.

Our large scales were also out to investigate and we weighed the different wooden blocks to find the heaviest and lightest.

We had great fun learning and developing our ability to use our skills in different ways.

Another busy week in Primary 1…

Primary 1 have had another busy week learning lots of new things!

In numeracy, we have been working on our number formation – look how many numbers we can write!
We are able to recognise numbers up to 10 and accurately count out the correct amount.
We have really enjoyed using the Loose Parts are to create our own patterns.
In Science, we started our ‘Senses’ topic by discussing and identifying what our 5 senses are. We then used our senses when we made sensory play dough.
The play dough smelled “orangy” and “yummy”. The flour “felt like snow”. The beads made the play dough “crunchy”. We can’t wait to use the play dough in our learning!
We have loves exploring all of the interesting items at our ‘Tinker Table’. We think there are lots of budding engineers in Primary 1!