All posts by Mrs Flood

Percy the Park Keeper

Primary 1 enjoyed listening to the Percy the Park Keeper story “One Snowy Night”.  The children decided to set up our role play area as ‘Percy’s Hut’, where they could help look after the animals that had been rescued from the snow storm.

Role Play in Percy’s Hut.
Percy’s Hut is broken, so we have made a new one for him in the construction area.
Developing talking and listening skills in the small world area.


Using loose parts to create and explore the properties of 2D shapes
Working on our fine motor skills at the ‘Funky Fingers’ table.
Making symmetrical patterns on the butterflies using loose parts.
We are working on our tricky words.
Using loose parts to spell out our tricky words.
Using loose parts to spell out our tricky words.


Another busy week in Primary 1…

Primary 1 have had another busy week learning lots of new things!

In numeracy, we have been working on our number formation – look how many numbers we can write!
We are able to recognise numbers up to 10 and accurately count out the correct amount.
We have really enjoyed using the Loose Parts are to create our own patterns.
In Science, we started our ‘Senses’ topic by discussing and identifying what our 5 senses are. We then used our senses when we made sensory play dough.
The play dough smelled “orangy” and “yummy”. The flour “felt like snow”. The beads made the play dough “crunchy”. We can’t wait to use the play dough in our learning!
We have loves exploring all of the interesting items at our ‘Tinker Table’. We think there are lots of budding engineers in Primary 1!