P3a Class Blog September 2015

Welcome to P3a’s first class blog. We have settled well into our new classroom routines and have created a class charter.

Social Studies

We have started the year with a mini topic on how to care for our school and community.  We looked specifically at litter.  Over a week the class took part in a litter study to establish which areas of the playground have the most litter.  We made a graph of these findings and discussed ways to reduce litter.

‘I liked the litter project and designing our own bins.’ Moya

‘I enjoyed litter picking because we picked up litter and put it in bin bags.’ Alexander

 ‘It was good because there wasn’t a lot of litter.’ Mia



We have been exploring magnets.  We are trying to discover which objects attract the magnet or repel it.  We have spent time discussing fair testing and we plan to make the primary ones a magnet game.

‘Some magnets are really strong and some are not.’ Dan

 ‘I liked finding out North Pole and North Pole repelled and North and South Pole attract.’  Charlotte

 ‘I enjoyed finding out about Magnet Man!’  Elliot.


Our focus at the moment is food and nutrition.  We are looking at the foods we like/dislike and the importance of food.  We have discovered there a 5 food groups.  We have been sorting a variety of foods in these groups.

We used words like squishy, delicious, yucky, revolting and           scrumptious to describe food we did and didn’t like.’ Kate C

‘Food helps you to grow, be active and stay healthy.’ Ewan

Expressive Arts

During art we have been developing tone and pattern using a range of materials.

‘We have been using different shades of blue to make a fish bowl.’ Molly    

‘Shades of blue got lighter like a real fish bowl.  We made patterns on a fish with oil pastels and put it on a bowl like a real fish.’     James


We have been reminding ourselves of the keyboard layout and discussed some of the skills we learned in primary 2.  We have been concentrating on making graphs which has linked well with our social studies topic.

‘I like using my typing skills and Google Safe Search to know how litter can affect animals.’ Nathan

‘We put our information into Microsoft Excel to create a litter bar graph.’ Kate M