Please use the link to access the latest East Renfrewshire sports and leisure Brochure.
Please use the link to access the latest East Renfrewshire sports and leisure Brochure.
The first meeting of the Parent Equalities Forum will take place on Thursday 15 January in Woodfarm HS at 7pm. The main item on the agenda will be the Education Department’s Equalities Delivery Plan.
On Tuesday 1 April, during our Parent/Teacher interviews we will be holding workshops on Anti-bullying and Explore Information Literacy. Please see attached letter for times of these workshops. They will be led by Siobhan McColgan, Head Teacher. Please come along.
There is an information evening being held on Wednesday 20 February 2014, at The Orchard Park, for parents of children/young people with a diagnosis of Asperger’s. Please see the link below for more information.
A reminder that parent’s night appoitments are this evening, THursday 3rd October from 3.20pm – 5.50pm and 6.30pm until 9.00 pm in the gym hall.
4.00 – 6.00pm on Tuesday 8 October 2013
Mrs Stewart, Head Teacher, warmly welcomes parents and pupils from primary 5 – 7 to see S1 – S3 Woodfarm pupils presenting and working on Curriculum for Excellence experiences as part of the broad general education. In addition to subject specific activities, there will also be a focus on aspects of literacy, numeracy and health & wellbeing which are the responsibility of all.
Parents may select from a range of workshops, presentations and drop in sessions.
Further details will be posted on our website to help you plan your visit.
Please contact Mrs Craig, Depute Head Teacher, on 0141 577 2600 if you wish further information.
There will be a meeting of the Dyslexia East Ren Group
on Monday 16th September 2013,
at 7.15pm-8.15pm
in Mearns Castle High School, Newton Mearns G77 5GU
Please use attached link for further information
Parent’s Evenings will be taking place on Tuesday 2nd October and Thursday 4th October from 3.30pm until 6.30pm. A letter will be sent our shortly asking you to choose a preferred evening and/or time, please return these to school as soon as possible.