School Drop In

Dear Parent/Carer,

On Friday 12th May & Wednesday 21st June we have a drop in session in the morning if anyone is needing a benefit check to make sure they are getting the correct entitlement or need assistance applying for a benefit Nicola can help, pop along and see her in the family room and our Bilingual worker Kiran Ayaz will be present to help translate if require along with Julie Douglas our Family First worker.


(We can assist with clothing grant, free school meals, Scottish child payment, child disability payment, adult disability payment, carers allowance, council tax reduction, council tax discounts/exemptions, universal credit, Education Maintainance Allowance, NEC-bus passes, Housing Benefit, Disabled Blue Badge Application and much more)


If you are unable to attend and have an enquiry please give Nicola a call on 07741 937 871 or email her at


Kind regards,


Janine McGarvey

Principal Teacher