Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel

All young people living in Scotland aged between 5 and 21 years will be eligible for free bus travel within Scotland.

Children will be able to access free bus travel on registered bus services across Scotland including a very limited number of local cross-border services from the south of Scotland into northern England.

To obtain free bus travel young people aged between 5 and 21 years old will need to apply for a Young Scot National Entitlement Card.

The card has an electronic chip inside it. When a child gets on a bus, the bus driver will ask them to tap the card against a card reader. The card reader will tell the bus driver if the child has free bus travel enabled on their card or not.

Children of 15 years and under will need their parent/guardian to apply on their behalf and provide approval for free bus travel to be enabled on their child’s card.

Young people aged 16 years and over should apply for free bus travel themselves.

You should visit the following website to apply at

This video explains the process:

If you have any difficulty and need help contact Main Street office, Barrhead in person or call 0141 577 3001 or email

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