Weekly Prayers

Monday 12th March – 4th Week of Lent

We hear in this morning’s Gospel Jesus performs a miracle of healing, and saves the dying son of a court official. Jesus’ miracles are often referred to as ‘signs’ in St John’s Gospel – in fact, His signs are His “Calling card or Trademark” – they tell us Who He is and what He is about. It is clear that Jesus’ signs reveal to us that His mission is one of true healing and salvation. – THAT is why he came!

It has been said often that “seeing leads to believing.”

During this Holy season of Lent we are given the opportunity to become more faithful signs of Christ alive in the world today through our actions as Christians. By our faithfulness to Gospel values, and in our sensitivity to those most in need, we become living signs that point to God and His salvation.

Let us pray people will see us in action and come to faith.

Our Father…….

Tuesday 13th March – 4th Week of Lent

Lent began as a time of preparation for those wishing to convert and be received into the Church at Easter. Therefore, one of the topics under consideration was Baptism, which today’s readings at Mass call to mind.

Water is an element of immense power, capable of rendering situations either good or bad. It can give life to flowers and be a source of nourishment to animals, but it can also destroy entire cities. The waters through which the Hebrews passed safely were the very waters that crushed the power of the Egyptians who held them captive.

The water of our own Baptism brought death to sin and won for us new life in God. That same water, that same God, still has power in our lives now, although, unlike the waters of nature, this water only wishes to bring great joy and flourishing our way; If only we would let Him flow into our lives.

Our Father….

Wednesday 14th March – 4th Week of Lent

In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us “Whoever listens to my words, and believes in the one who sent me, has eternal life… The hour will come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and all who hear it will live.”

Jesus makes resurrection dependent on hearing the voice of God. In other words, only those who have consistently heeded God’s voice as it came to them in prayer, in the sacraments, in the reading of Sacred scripture and keeping the Commandments, by trying to grow in holiness and live lives of virtue, will be able to rise to eternal life because they will used to His voice the will know its sound and recognise Him calling.

This is quite a consolation for those who take God’s Word seriously. But to those who listen or act half-heartedly (and we all do from time to time!), God gives this Holy season to sharpen our hearing, to tune our ears once more, so that we may hear His voice on the last day, rise, and life forever.

Our Father….


Thursday 15th March – 4th Week of Lent

Jesus makes a devastating statement to His audience in today’s Gospel: “You do not have the love of God in your hearts!” What motivated Him to say such a thing? It was the people’s rejection of His message; their preconceived notions; their hypocrisy – their lack of love shown to their neighbour.

However, Jesus doesn’t say these things with any sense of satisfaction at having caught the people out! No, His message is the message Life, and the offer of Eternal Joy in Heaven. These words of Our Lord are filled with great sorrow.

To reject His message is to reject what He is offering us, it is to reject what we are truly made for – Heaven.

Our Lord’s words today don’t come from an overly critical superior who takes enjoyment at uncovering the shortcomings of others, but instead are the words of a concerned God who loves us and wants what is best for us.

During this holy season of Lent, let us work all the more at welcoming God’s message of Salvation into our lives by the way we love Him and our neighbour.


Our Father….


 Friday 16th March – 4th Week of Lent

In St John’s Gospel today we hear a great deal about Jesus’ “hour of glory.” What is it? When did it occur? — Most of us would suggest the Resurrection, when Christ is seen at his most powerful, so powerful even that he defeats death.

However, Jesus’ “Hour of Glory” truly begins with His Passion and Cross. Why? Because, Jesus was never more Glorious than when he bravely and willingly welcomed His Father’s plan for Him, and won the salvation of the world.

This is an incredibly important lesson for us. We do not have to wait for our ‘hour of glory’ as if it were a future reality for tomorrow. No, it begins today, and each morning, when we listen – in prayer – to what God’s plan is for us and then embrace it.

The real question is: what great work would God achieve in me today if I were to begin my own hour of glory now?

Our Father….


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