Mid-week Reflection

28th October 2020

Over the last couple of years, Bishop Keenan made some changes among the priests in this area.  He often records his gratitude about the acceptance and willingness of the priests to accept new appointments.  I sometimes wonder if making clerical changes is among the hardest tasks a bishop has to do.  It is not an easy task and will happen, I suppose, only after having consulted with his principal advisers, having prayed at length and following silent contemplation.  Today, we celebrate the Feast of Saint Simon and Saint Jude.   Today, in the Gospel, St Luke tells us two things of the greatest importance about Jesus.  That He went out on to the mountain-side to pray and that He passed the whole night offering prayer to God before deciding that Simon and Jude would be among the apostles…..that is, to be founder members of the Church. Just as a priest is called upon to be loyal to his bishop, so Simon and Jude acknowledged that their authority was based on their fidelity to Christ and, with that background, they were able to go into the world to sanctify and govern the people. I’ve never asked a bishop if the title Bishop of Such and Such a diocese is as important as Successor of the Apostles.  But that’s what they are.  So, perhaps today, we can pray to Simon and Jude asking them to protect and encourage our bishops in their divine mission of handing on the Gospel.  To pray for the bishops is not a kindness or a privilege….it is a duty, because Christ has taught us to pray always as He Himself did.  Therefore, may our priests and bishops have the grace always to fulfil their ministry faithfully.

Let us Pray:

Lord God, you taught us to call upon your name through the preaching of the apostles.  At the intercession of Saint Simon and Saint Jude, may your Church continue to grow by an increase in the number of believing nations.  Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


Monsignor Monaghan

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