St Ninian’s Essay Writing Competition

Well done to all Primary 7 children at St Cadoc’s, St Joseph’s and Our Lady of the Missions Primary Schools and Primary 6 children of St Clare’s Primary School for their participation in the St Ninian’s High School Essay Writing Competition which marked the Centenary of Catholic Education.   All pupils received a special certificate to reward their efforts.

Special well done to the following pupils who were selected as Winners and worthy of Commendation.


  • David Creighton (St Cadoc’s)
  • Dominic Shevlane (St Cadoc’s)
  • Serafina Green (St Joseph’s)
  • Rebekah Cent (Our Lady of the Missions)
  • Erin Donaldson (Our Lady of the Missions)
  • Francesca Dunn (Our Lady of the Missions)


  • Leo Adam (St Cadoc’s)
  • Daisie Bowers (St Cadoc’s)
  • Ava Hannah (St Cadoc’s)
  • Josh Inglis (St Cadoc’s)
  • Patrick Mackie (St Cadoc’s)
  • Enya O’Donnell (St Cadoc’s)
  • Lara Stefani (St Cadoc’s)
  • Ryan McNaught (St Clare’s)
  • Suwilanji Nachalwe (St Clare’s)
  • Hannah Boyle (St Joseph’s)
  • Aimee Dalton (St Joseph’s)
  • James Dalton (St Joseph’s)
  • Luke Dunseath (St Joseph’s)
  • Neve McGlashan (St Joseph’s)
  • Emily Darroch (Our Lady of the Missions)


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