Saltire Awards

What Are The Saltire Awards?

New national awards designed to formally recognise the commitment and contribution of youth volunteering.

Enables you to record the skills, experience and learning you gain through successful volunteering placements in school or provided by local and national voluntary agencies.

The Awards are split in to four sections:

The Challenge (one-off event)
The Approach (10, 25 hours)
The Ascent (50, 100, 200, 500 hours)
The Summit (200 hours – nominated)

Achievement is recognised in the form of Saltire Award certificates and Young Scot reward points.

Why Would I Do This?

Taking pride and gaining enjoyment from the activities you take part in
Develop your teamwork, communication and leadership skills
Meaningful contribution to society
Personal statements / references
Gaining a nationally recognised award

What Counts As Volunteering?

Giving up your own time to help others (without payment)
In-school activities
Out-of-school activities
Can add up hours from both
Hours can be back-dated for up to 2 years

What Counts As Volunteering?

Extra- Curricular Activities e.g. Sports / Music / Spiritual / Academic / Environmental / Enterprise
Student Tutoring / Buddying / Community Placements
Duke of Edinburgh (Volunteering Section) Committees e.g. Yearbook, Prom, Graduation
Charity work / fundraising – e.g. Lasallian
Events – Information Nights, Parents’ Evenings, Mass, Disco’s, Talent Shows, School Show

What Do I Need To Do Now?

See Mrs Gorman to discuss the activities you have already completed or plan to get involved in.

You will then receive a timesheet which you will use to record the number of hours you complete.  The hours you claim for will need to be verified by the teacher or leader in charge of the activity you have volunteered for.

Hand the completed timesheet to Mrs Gorman and you will then receive the appropriate Saltire Award and Young Scot Reward points.

Further Information

If you would like more information please contact Mrs Gorman.

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