S1/S2 Film Club Review of the Week

Congratulations to Lucia Doyle in the S1/S2 Film Club, who has won Review of the Week.  Her review can be read below.

The Hole

For all those young horror fanatics out there (that would probably include me), if you want to be scared right out of your pants then this movie is for you. Picture this: three bored-to-death teenagers, a modern house in suburbia and in the dusty basement of the house, an ominous trapdoor locked up to look exceedingly threatening. What could possibly go wrong for these unoccupied youngsters? Well, children, what do you do when you find a trapdoor in your basement? Do you open it? Do you leave it? Or do you call the police to have them investigate because you’re too petrified to keep it together? This is what the kids did; took off the padlocks, lifted the door and…

Darkness. Nothingness. An abyss. Or was it?
The kids drop a series of objects into the chasm but all fail to give a satisfying clunk therefore leaving the children mesmerised. Little do they know that they will soon be haunted by their own living nightmares.

As I said, this movie will keep you at the edge of your seat and biting your nails till there is nothing left of your hand. If you are scared easily then this movie is not for you. You have been warned.

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