Proclaiming The Joy of The Gospel

We have recently celebrated Catholic Education Week. The theme was proclaiming the joy of the Gospel.

One of the biggest pleasures of being Head Teacher is watching and admiring the remarkable joy and enthusiasm of our young people in all they do and the great contribution they make to the life of our school.

This week has seen yet again, across all areas of the curriculum, an exceptional range of opportunities being offered to our young people, reflecting the holistic education to which all staff are committed and to the wellbeing of our young people which we take very seriously.

The involvement of pupils in the celebration of Catholic Education Week at Glasgow University and in our parishes, the witness of our pupils at the Lenten Masses and Eucharistic Adoration, the great participation of Third Year pupils in the Retreats offered by the Salesian Sisters, the incredible quality of the Advanced Higher Music Concerts, the national successes in Higher Photography Scottish Civic Awards, the celebration of the range of our pupils artistic talents on show at the Art & Design Exhibition in the Eastwood Theatre Gallery, the Chinese Lunar New Year festivities organised by our Confucius Hub, the exceptional range of sporting successes in local and national competitions, the involvement of the St. Cadoc’s P7 pupils in the transitions programme, the great attendance at the late evening clubs offering badminton, netball and basketball and Friday Club were just some of the activities that took place this week.

Our young people have also been at the forefront of service to others, fundraising for Lasallian projects, the Hong Kong Challenge, the Ghana project and Malawi, Yorkhill Hospital, Cancer Care, Marys’ Meals, SCIAF, and through the numerous community involvement projects. Congratulations to the ever increasing number of pupils from all year groups who are receiving recognition through the national Saltire Volunteering Awards.

All of this goes on each week whilst our pupils continue to work exceptionally hard in their studies, particularly those pupils preparing for the vitally important national exams.

Please take time to read of these and forthcoming opportunities, events and activities, on our website and through Twitter updates. I’m sure you will be as proud as I am of the pupils and staff of our school.

Without the dedication of our hard working staff these opportunities and successes would not be possible. My thanks for their continued commitment to offering the best for our young people.

Thank you to parents for your continued support for our young people and staff. It was lovely to receive this week a number of letters generously highlighting the commitment of staff. Thank you.

May the joy of the Gospel continue to inspire the work of our teachers, support staff and parents, promoting the vision of catholic education which offers society a deep and rich vision for our young people – growth in holiness, in true happiness and fulfilment.

 With every best wish

 John Docherty


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