S3 BGE Celebration

S3 BGE Celebration Video:  https://glowscotland-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/gw12howardlaura_glow_sch_uk/EXci39eRvI5Lmm_9j0jQKs8B_hxKXOniCd-dweZIeKjEHw?e=S8RvQi Today, our S3 pupils begin S4, their Senior Phase, marking the end of their Broad General Education.  The Broad General Education begins in early learning and childcare

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S6 Graduation 2020

Tonight, would have been our Graduation and as a school we would have looked forward to welcoming Mary’s Meal Founder Magnus McFarlane-Barrow to the school as our honoured guest. In 2010, Magnus

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