The Health and Wellbeing group have been raising money for the following charities by organising various events: Prostate Scotland Bowel Cancer UK Breakthrough Breast Cancer National AIDS Trust Scottish Association for Mental Health
The Library, once again, will be collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers. Vouchers can be handed into the library or Home Economics department. Many thanks to those who support our efforts.
Some pupils will be going on a visit to the MacRobert Centre for National event on the Monday 27th January. We have a visitor, Alfred Munzer who will be speaking to certain classes on
Please see the latest edition of the Catholic Light. This is an occasional publication designed to give information on various aspects of the Catholic faith. Catholic Light January 2014
Thank you to staff, pupils, parents and local ‘health’ professionals who supported the outstanding Health Evening on Thursday 16 January. It was a huge success, highly informative and very enjoyable. Thank you