Urdu Classes
The following classes are now available: Urdu Class poster
The following classes are now available: Urdu Class poster
Congratulations to Amy Donaghy (4a6) who competed in the Scottish National Championships at the weekend where she came 3rd in the 100m. Amy achieved a new personal best (PB) of 12.57! Amy has also
In St Ninian’s High School we know that friendships that last a lifetime are born on the football field, rehearsing for the school show or celebrating Mass together. Taking part in extra-curricular
Eucharistic Adoration is available every Friday lunchtime (12 – 1pm) in the Oratory. Here is a some information on Eucharistic Adoration: Eucharistic Adoration
The S1/2 disco scheduled for tomorrow night has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled and details will be posted on the website and school Twitter (@stninianshigh).
The Scottish Maths Challenge is available for all levels (Junior, Middle and Senior) from Mrs Robison in the maths department. The challenge is completed at home and should be submitted by 18th
There will be a meeting for any interested S3 –S6 students (and those who were in Oliver) about this year’s School Show. The meeting will be held in Music Room 4 on