Wednesday Reflection

Mid-week Reflection 9th February 2022  I’m told that the Archbishop-Elect of Glasgow met with priests of the archdiocese this week.  I don’t know anything about the get-together but just imagine how he

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Wednesday Reflection

Mid-week Reflection 2nd February 2022  I don’t suppose any of us remembers the day of our baptism….unless, of course, we were baptised as adults.  That, however, was a day of great joy

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Wednesday Reflection

Mid-week Reflection 26th January 2022  I don’t suppose many of you will have been to the Ordination of a Priest.  One of the most touching and emotional moments is when the Ordinand

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Athletics Success

Athletics Success

This weekend saw two of our pupils achieve exceptional success in cross country! Congratulations to Calum Dick (S2) who won gold at the Northern Ireland International Cross Country. Congratulations to Hannah Ryding

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