SQA Results Day 2022

SQA Results Day 2022

All pupils who sat SQA exams will receive their results on Tuesday 9th of August. Below is a letter from Mr O’Neil with information for parents and pupils. SQA Results Letter August

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S6 80s Disco

S6 80s Disco

What a brilliant first event for the new S6. They excelled yourselves with their costumes and dancing! Here are some photos from the night: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ks4ywj97zZ3shove6

Head Team 21-22 Farewell

Head Team 21-22 Farewell

A fond farewell to the head team of 21-22 who we will miss. They have been fantastic and a credit to the school. Head Girl                                                                        Head Boy Ellie Shaw                                                                        Luke Campbell

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Refugee Week

Today all of our pupils completed a lesson starter at the beginning of each period highlighting the challenges faced by refugees. These starters can be found on the school website at the

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Convenor’s award:

The online celebration for winners of the Convenor’s Award for Outstanding Achievement will be streamed live on the ERC facebook page tonight at 7pm. This can be accessed at the link below:

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