S4 Info! New App to Receive Push Notifications from School

Groupcall Xpressions App

The school currently uses Groupcall to send out text messages or emails of School Absences. They have now introduced an app available to parents which allows the sending and receiving of messages at no cost to the school. The app will send information (school events, exam reminders) using push notifications (alerts) to your phone if connected to internet or mobile data. The money saved from using this app will provide additional funding for resources within the school.

We would like to encourage as many of you as possible to download and use the app. The app can be downloaded from your phone’s app store and will require the email and mobile number that we have on record (currently only this email and mobile number can sign up). A verification code will be sent to your phone if the details are correct and you will automatically be connected to your child/children. The link below will provide further support on this process.



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