Movember 2013 Update

We are now one week into the Movember Challenge, an important event to raise awareness of issues related to men’s health such as Prostate and Testicular cancer as well as Mental health.

We have 10 brave men taking on the challenge! The Mobros are: Mr Capuano, Mr Coughlin, Mr Fuchs, Mr Harkins (Maths), Mr Harkins (PE), Mr Marshall, Mr Newberry, Mr O’Hagan, Mr Mardones and Mr Paoli.

Pupils will be given the opportunity to sponsor the teachers during PSHE or every Friday lunchtime where a table will be set up in the street area to collect donations. 

Parents can also sponsor through the  Just Giving links below:

Prostrate Scotland

Bowel Cancer UK

Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH)

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