HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) Immunisation Programme

On Tuesday 8th March the HPV vaccination will be administered by NHS staff to S1 Girls and S1 Boys in school.

On Wednesday 9th March the completing dose of the HPV vaccination will be administered by NHS staff to S2 Girls and S2 Boys and certain pupils in S3- S6.

S1 parents/ carers will have received in advance an NHS parent information and consent pack, which explains the HPV immunisation programme.

Please ensure that you have completed and returned the consent form for your child’s HPV Immunisation to the school office by Wednesday 2nd March.

This allows the NHS Immunisation Team and school staff to facilitate the Immunisations and avoids delay and further disruption to the school day. Nurses have to make contact with parents to seek consent if the consent has not been returned.

If you have lost the consent pack which was issued to your child recently in PSHE you can write a note of consent with your child’s name, date of birth and your contact phone number.

For S2-S6 pupils NHS staff will refer to the completed consent forms completed for the First Dose so there is no need to complete an additional consent for your child’s HPV Immunisation.

MMR catch up Immunisation will also be offered to S1 pupils who have not already received 2 doses of the MMR Vaccine.

Pupils should attend school on the above dates wearing a short-sleeved shirt or their PE polo shirt underneath their shirt.

Please ensure that pupils eat breakfast before coming to school and have plenty of water to keep hydrated.

The link below will take you to an NHS Information video that explains the HPV Immunisation.


The content of the clip explains the types of cancers the HPV virus can cause .The language used in the clip to explain how HPV can be spread is based on medical terminology that would not normally be used in our school setting. However, it is important that we make you aware of this presentation and the information contained within the clip, which is used in schools across the country to inform pupils and parents of the HPV vaccination.

If you have any questions or queries please visit www.nhsinform.scot/hpv

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