Homerton College Summer Schools

Applications are now open for the 2018 Homerton College Summer Schools.  These 3-day events are for S5 students at state schools, including Scotland, interested in making an application to the Oxbridge universities.  Homerton are particularly looking for students who may not have had previous exposure to similar University residential experiences.  There is no charge for the food, accommodation or activities, in other words the summer school is free of charge. Travel bursaries are available for students who come from a household with an income of £25,000 or below.

Please find below the dates and subjects for this year’s summer schools:

•         English, Sunday 8th – Tuesday 10th July

•         Mathematics, Wednesday 11th – Friday 13th July

•         Biological Sciences, Wednesday 25th – Friday 27th July

•         Geography, Wednesday 25th – Friday 27th July

The summer schools are a fantastic opportunity for students to learn more about what it is like to study at an institution such as Cambridge, as well as receive information, advice and guidance on their admissions process, and have lots of fun!

 For more details, eligibility criteria, and a link to the application form, please see: https://www.homerton.cam.ac.uk/accessandoutreach/summerschools

 Please contact your Pastoral Teacher, Year Head or myself for further information.

 Neil Macdonald (Depute Head Teacher)



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