0412, 2020
0412, 2020
Day 4 – Twelve Days of Healthmas
Today’s task is to connect with others, trying to complete two out of the four connect challenges.
0312, 2020
0312, 2020
Day 3 – Twelve Days of Healthmas
Today’s activity is a Yoga workout allowing participants to get active but also have some quiet time to carry out mindfulness, considering all the things they have achieved while attending or being
0212, 2020
0212, 2020
Day 2 – Healthmas
For beginners: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nZ2iBGvFhE For people that have carried out HIIT before/more experienced: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQKud_ro4oE
0212, 2020
Mid-week Reflection 2nd December 2020 This week we celebrated the feast of Saint Andrew, Principal Patron of Scotland. Barbados, Ukraine, Russia, Sicily, Greece, Cyprus and Romania also claim his patronage! The Chronicler, Nestor, tells