0712, 2020
0612, 2020
0612, 2020
Day 6: 12 Days of Healthmas
Parents/ Carers and Pupils should try and complete at least three different examples of ‘Giving’ from the Poster attached.
0612, 2020
2nd Week of Advent
The lighting of the second advent candle. (Please click on the image below)
0612, 2020
2nd Sunday of Advent B20 The beginning of the Good News The second Sunday of Advent turns our attention to John the Baptist. John was an interesting individual. We are told he
0512, 2020
0512, 2020
Day 5: 12 Days of Healthmas
Day 5:The Sports ambassadors have created a short HIIT work out which we are hoping both pupils and parents will carry out. We are hoping participants will watch the video, giving an