Charity Events

This year our staff Christmas Card Charity Appeal raised £187. This money has been donated to the Beatson Cancer Charity.

S3 Parents’ Evening

The S3 Parents’ Evening will take place on Thursday 5 March 2015. All pupils have been issued with appointment letters and should ensure that the return slip is given to the interviewing teacher

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Parent Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parent Council will be held on Monday 2 March at 7pm in Science Room 9. Previous Parent Council Meeting Minutes can be found on the Parent/Carer website.

Careers Convention

Online ticketing for the Careers Convention has now closed. Tickets for the presentations will also be available tonight on a first come first served basis. The floor plan for this evening and

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Lenten Catechesis

The following pupils from St Ninian’s will provide the music for the Lenten Catechesis at St Mirrin’s Cathedral on Sunday 1 March: Aidan Lau (1a1) Caterina Lue (1a5) Euan Murphy (2a8) Paul

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