End of Term

School closes at today at 1pm for the summer holidays. Wishing all pupils and staff a very happy, relaxing and safe holiday!

Ardeche 2015

Photographs from the Ardeche trip have now been uploaded to our Flickr site. Many thanks to staff for sending photos and updates throughout the trip for Twitter.

S1 Peer Awards

Peer Awards give pupils the opportunity to recognise their fellow pupils talents in four categories:  Successful Learner, Effective Contributor, Responsible Citizen and Confident Individual.  This morning we held special assemblies to present the

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S2 Peer Awards

Peer Awards give pupils the opportunity to recognise their fellow pupils talents in four categories:  Successful Learner, Effective Contributor, Responsible Citizen and Confident Individual.  This morning we held special assemblies to present the

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Senior Film Club

Well done to Christopher Boland (S6) who has won Review of the Week from the national Into Film judges who said “he wrote a brilliant and comprehensive review of My Brother the

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