Updated School Calendar 13.02.20
School Calendar amended to include Home Economics Exams on Saturday 21 and Saturday 28 March.
School Calendar amended to include Home Economics Exams on Saturday 21 and Saturday 28 March.
Pupil voice is very important to us so we can continually improve our school. Please click on the link for your Year Group and complete the short evaluation regarding Personal, Social and
S6 DIPLOMA 2020 Please click on the below link to complete your S6 Diploma. This should be copy and pasted from the document you completed in PSHE this year. Link to forms
Good luck to Sophia Laurie S3 who has been invited to take part in an Educational Outreach Project with the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain on a 3-day Inspire Ensemble Residency
PSHE Newsletter wb 13 02 20
Prayers wb 13.02.20
This painting is a seventeenth century selfie! That is, it is a self-portrait of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, actor and theatre director. However, it is as a sculptor