SQA Updates – Information for Parents and Carers
Dear Parent / Carer, In what are uncertain times I hope this post finds you and your family safe and well. Over the last few weeks the SQA has been slowly releasing
Dear Parent / Carer, In what are uncertain times I hope this post finds you and your family safe and well. Over the last few weeks the SQA has been slowly releasing
Easter Sunday: We may well be separated by distance, but we are united spiritually. This is still the day of amazing joy. The crucified Christ is risen. The whole Church is renewed
Holy Saturday: Holy Saturday is a unique day in the Church’s year. There is no Mass even for priests. The church is bare. There is no sanctuary lamp because Jesus isn’t in
Good Friday: Perhaps today, you could take time to read The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ as it appears in St John’s Gospel (18.1-19.42). We may feel these are sad and
Holy Thursday: As the last supper drew to a close, Jesus had less than 24 hours to live. It was time to speak his last words to his friends. But what could
Wednesday: Normally in a parish this is a useful day as we are about to celebrate the Sacred Triduum. Busy days ahead. People to see. Arrangements to be made. Plenty to do.
Tuesday: These days for most of us, there is no Confession, no Eucharist, no Mass. No Liturgy at all. How difficult it may seem to prepare for the celebration of Our Lord’s