Caritas Award Success

Congratulations to the following twenty six pupils who have successfully gained Caritas Awards.  The Award recognises the commitment from the young people within their homes, schools, parishes and dioceses and it invites them to respond to God’s call of love. It supports and celebrates the faith witness which young people give within their communities.  

Nayab Ahmed, Megan Airlie, Fariah Asif, Ellie Blues, Colm Docherty, Katie Duncan, Caroline Dunn, Louise Dunn, Caitlin Fitzpatrick, Robbie Graham, Gregor Hillhouse, Catherine Holmes, Amy Hughes, Matthew Jennings, Natalie Keane, Iona Low, Mark McGuigan, Sarah McIlwham, Cara McLaughlin, Stephen Rae, Brigette Reilly, Sean Seery, Nicola Shaw and Molly Walker.  

In order to complete the Caritas Award pupils had to volunteer at least 20 hours of their time in their school community and at least 20 hours in their Parish. All pupils working towards the Caritas Award this year contributed generously to both communities. Some of the activities that pupils took part in school include charity groups such as Helping Hands, The Life Group and the weekly soup kitchen. Pupils also helped younger students in the school through the Buddy and Pupil Mentor schemes as well as helping the teachers during lessons as class tutors. Students also helped out in the community volunteering in local schools such as Isobel Mair and the dementia care home. In their Parish communities, Caritas pupils have contributed their time through various Ministries such as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Readers, Alter Servers as well as the Music Ministry. Pupils have also helped groups within their Parish such as the Children’s Liturgy and the Parish Council.  All Caritas pupils had to keep a log sheet of their hours for both the school and Parish and have these signed by a mentor within both communities.  

They will each be presented with a medal at the Caritas Awards Ceremony on 31 may 2014.   


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