BBC Scotland (Apprenticeships) – Information Evening 21 March. 6 p.m.

BBC Scotland  are looking to recruit talented young people as Production Apprenticeship and, for those with a particular interest in news, their Journalism Training Scheme.

These development opportunities offer first-class training in the media and give people the chance to earn while they learn and should be of particular interest to pupils in S5/6

Production apprentices, who are aged 18 or over, spend a year working in a variety of BBC Scotland departments across the country and combine this with time at college in Glasgow. They could be creating content, researching stories and locations or contacting contributors. At other times they might be planning, checking copyright and organising programme logistics.

The journalism trainees, also for those aged 18 and over, will have a passion for storytelling and will be trained both on the job and by the BBC Academy to bring stories to life for BBC audiences on TV, radio, online and social media. They have places in their newsrooms for English and Gaelic speakers, and there are opportunities, too, in sports news.

BBC Scotland recognises that applying for these roles can be daunting and that many people might be put off by the process. To help people along the way, they are hosting an information evening about these vacancies at their headquarters in Glasgow’s Pacific Quay on Wednesday 21st March, from 6pm.  Students will have the opportunity to meet with current trainees and apprentices, plus those who have passed through the schemes in previous years. There will also be staff there to talk about their jobs at BBC Scotland and to give advice about the application process.

Details are available on their webpage which has details of the information event:

There is also a facility on that page for people to apply to come along to the event. I very much hope some of our students will choose to do so.

 Please note that the closing date for applications for the Pacific Quay event is 14 March.


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