Game Jam 2020

Congratulations to Sam and Evyn for their team’s game ‘Space Race’ which Mr Kelly has selected as his class’ winning entry in the recent Game Jam competition. The boys produced an excellent

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YPI Final 2020

Good luck to the groups who have made it through to the YPI Final which will take place this Wednesday evening from 7pm-9:30pm. All parents, pupils and staff are invited to attend

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Saltire Achievement

Congratulations to Louis who received a Saltire award for his commitments to volunteering at the school sports camps. St Ninian’s high school sports camp Sports leader 185 hours of volunteering    

S1 Choices Evening

Thank you to pupils , parents and staff who attended last night’s S1 Choice Evening. Pupils were able to visit departments and gets hands on , practical involvement and advice from staff, 

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