S3 Information Evening Thursday 23rd November
The S3 Information Evening will take place on Thursday 23rd November at 7pm. The evening will focus on key areas which have been identified through pupil and parent focus groups. The format
The S3 Information Evening will take place on Thursday 23rd November at 7pm. The evening will focus on key areas which have been identified through pupil and parent focus groups. The format
A massive congratulations go to Hannah Ryding S1 won gold in her cross country race for Giffnock North Club in Kilmarnock at the weekend.
A STEM Careers Activity Pack for Parents has been designed by Future Morph (web-based initiative) to help parents and children to learn together through fun science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities. This
The S3 information Evening will take place this Thursday 23rd November. The focus will be on literacy numeracy and study skills. All S3 pupils their parents and guardians are very welcome to attend.
The next meeting will be on the theme ‘Catechesis For the Family – Helping Your Children Keep Their Faith’. Fr. Jonathan Whitworth, will speak on the Church’s vision for the family followed
Aid to the Church in Need is an organisation which exists to support Christians and others who suffer religious persecution because of their faith. This persecution shows itself in many ways including the