S1 Ceilidh
The S1 Ceilidh was a huge success yesterday, it was great to see so many people coming together to keep up tradition! Visit St Ninian’s PE & HWB Twitter feed for more
The S1 Ceilidh was a huge success yesterday, it was great to see so many people coming together to keep up tradition! Visit St Ninian’s PE & HWB Twitter feed for more
The 2019 Scottish Space School @ Strathclyde residential summer school will be held at the University of Strathclyde from 9-14 June 2019 and applications are now being invited via the online application
Thanks to the Sports Council for making this poster.
Calendar Redaction. This wonderful painting chosen to represent March in this year’s school calendar was created by Ellen Hazlett, not Vhairi Simpson as stated. We apologise for this error.
There will be a Santa Dash for all S1 Pupils During Period 3 on Friday 14th December. 1a1 – 1a5 are to change at Sports Hall, 1a6 – 1a10 change at Games Hall.
Monday 10 December 2018. As we start our week we ask God to give us strength and help us to always do our best. With God’s guiding hand let us seek to