0909, 2016
Author Archives: Mrs Gorman
0909, 2016
Parent Council Meeting
The re-scheduled meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Monday 12 September at 7pm in Science 8.
0809, 2016
0809, 2016
Cycling Safety Matters
Safety when cycling to school is of paramount importance. Pupils should be aware of their surroundings at all times and make sure they are cycling responsibly. This includes wearing a helmet, not
0709, 2016
0709, 2016
S1/2 STEM Presentations
Dr. Diane Aston from The Institute of Materials, Mineral and Mining will visit the school on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th September to deliver interactive STEM based talks on ‘Minerals in Action’
0609, 2016
West of Scotland Schools Symphony Orchestra
Several pupils took part in the recent West of Scotland Schools Symphony Orchestra and Concert Band’s Summer tours to Italy and Austria and the Showcase Concert in the City Hall Glasgow. Pupils