Paisley Faith Forum
Being human: Are humans a blessing or blight on the environment? The Christian vision of the human person. Speaker Fr John Bollan. Thursday 20 October, 7.00pm, Paisley Chaplaincy Centre, 45 High St, Paisley
Being human: Are humans a blessing or blight on the environment? The Christian vision of the human person. Speaker Fr John Bollan. Thursday 20 October, 7.00pm, Paisley Chaplaincy Centre, 45 High St, Paisley
Congratulations to all of our musicians who performed in the Music from the Movies Concert this week. The music was outstanding! Thank you to the music staff involved in preparing the pupils
We intend to celebrate Morning Mass on any In-service Days on which there would normally be Mass ie Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Therefore, Fr Woodford will celebrate Mass at 8.25am on Friday
Well done to Christopher Stewart and Ciara McGloin (S6) who attended a meeting for Eastwoodhill volunteers Crossreach on Monday with the moderator of the Church of Scotland to discuss their voluntary work.
Minutes from the recent S2 Pupil Council Meeting can be viewed on our Pupil Voice website.
On Friday 7 October, S1 pupils attended a Tai Ji lesson in the Sports Hall. Tai Ji is a gentle form of exercise for all ages which develops flexibility and strength in
If anyone would like a stall at this event, please contact Miss Milne.