S3 Drama Trip
On Thursday 10 November S3 drama pupils will be travelling to The Theatre Royal to attend a performance of ‘The Broons’. Wishing them an enjoyable afternoon!
On Thursday 10 November S3 drama pupils will be travelling to The Theatre Royal to attend a performance of ‘The Broons’. Wishing them an enjoyable afternoon!
Six members of the St Ninian’s Public Speaking and Debate Society (Andrew Ward, Dominic Collins, Anthony Collins, Caterina Lue, Euan Munro and Amina Hussain, with Kate McLaughlin assisting) had the pleasure of
Week Beginning Monday 7 November 2016
Well done to the Rainbows Group who raised £326.13 from their coffee morning last week. This will allow continued support for the young people in our school.
Many thanks to Canon James Duggan, our school Chaplain, and Monsignor Monaghan for their service to our school, especially for celebrating Holy Days of Obligation.
Congratulations to Armish Rizwan in S1 for winning the Puzzle of the Month for October.
Please see this week’s Focus of the Week: Armistice Day Remembrance Day Lest We Forget November: Remembering Those Who Have Died To view all of the Focus of the Weeks click here.