West Central Games
Good luck to the following pupils who will compete in the West Central Games on Tuesday 23rd May at the On-X Linwood Sports Centre: Basketball Aidan Haddock 1a8 Dominic Lamos 1a5 David Tejedor 1a1
Good luck to the following pupils who will compete in the West Central Games on Tuesday 23rd May at the On-X Linwood Sports Centre: Basketball Aidan Haddock 1a8 Dominic Lamos 1a5 David Tejedor 1a1
Well done to Tara Harcombe (S4) who went to Belfast on Saturday to represent Scotland in netball . She is currently in the Scotland Development Squad. They won all games against Northern
Week Beginning Monday 22 May 2017
Please see this week’s Focus of the Week: Sports Championships & Fun Day : 31st May, 3pm onwards. Holiday weekend (25-29th May) and In-service Day for staff (30th May) To view all
Updated: The Junior UK Maths Challenge results are in! The Intermediate Pink Kangaroo Round Results are as follows: Jack Lindsay, Jonathan Kent and Lily Collins (all S4) received a Merit certificate in
The annual Saint Ninian’s ERC Schools Netball Tournament took place on Tuesday 16 May. Every school in the authority brought at least one team along which was excellent to see. It was