School Transport

Any complaints regarding school transport should be submitted in writing to the school email address  with the following information provided:- Date of the incident Contract area and/or location of incident Operator

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School Lockers

Lockers should be secured by the end of the school day on Friday 21 August.  If this is not carried out rental of the locker reverts back to the school.

Thank You

Dear Parents & Carers, Thank you for your outstanding support in your sons and daughters returning to school. It was an excellent start to the new academic year. The young people looked

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Fundraising Congratulations

Well done to the following pupils who raised £48.76 for St Ninian’s Hockey Club:- Ellen Hazlett, Niamh Boyle, Rebecca Miller, Anna Paterson, Susie Brown, Aanya Carruth, Maria Mone, Sarah Lonergan, Hannah Bruce,

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Fundraising Success

Congratulations to Shaili Reetoo, Rosie MacNeill, Jasmine Jassal, Sinead O’Hara, Charlotte Hamilton and Stephanie Bitters who raised £150.10 for Health Exchange Nepal. Congratulations also to Kookie Dahal who raised £84.72 for Health 

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