Salamanca Trip

Salamanca, Spain 2015

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I write to give you updates for the Spanish Trip.

  • Coach departs St Ninian’s – Saturday 6 June 2015 at 4.00am (Luggage should be loaded straight into the coach)
  • Plane departs Edinburgh Airport – Easyjet flight EZY6995, Saturday 6 June 7.10am; arriving in Madrid, Barajas, Saturday 6 June 11.10am (Spanish time)
  • Arrive in Salamanca – Saturday 6 June, 3.00pm (approx)
  • Depart Salamanca – Wednesday 10 June, 9.15am (approx)
  • Depart Madrid – Thursday 11 June
  • Plane departs Madrid, Barajas Airport 11.45am (flight EZY6996) arriving at Edinburgh Airport 1.40pm local time.
  • Arrive at St Ninian’s – Thursday 11 June at 3.00pm approx.

Remember to follow us on Twitter! (@stninianshigh)

A. Creighton

Depute Head Teacher

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