Support During the SQA Exam Diet

Dear Parent(s) & Carer(s)

The exams are now well underway. Well done to our students for their great effort preparing for the exams. We recognise that this can be an anxious time – for both you and them.

Each day we also offer in our Oratory from 12.25pm the opportunity for prayer and Eucharistic Adoration.

Thank you to parents and pupils who have been attending for your daily prayers on behalf of our young people at this time.

The Rosary is recited at this time and is led by members of the Legion of Mary from St. Joseph’s Parish, Clarkston. Thank you to the members for this great offering.

Holy Mass is offered in our Oratory at 8.25am on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. All are most welcome.

In preparation for the exams pupils were issued with a variety of of  aids providing very helpful advice and support.

The following website ‘Youngminds’ also offer some very helpful advice to parents. I hope you find it useful.


John Docherty

Head Teacher

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