S5/6 Living Wage Excursion

Paisley Diocese is hosting an event on Friday 27 March in St Mirin’s Cathedral. Several charitable organisations will be at the event which will include a presentation from Bishop John Keenan as well as representatives of the Living Wage Campaign Steering Group. The S5 and S6 pupils noted below will represent the school:

  • Natasha Glancy (5a2)
  • Caitlin McKenna (5a6)
  • Chanelle Houston (5a6)
  • Elise Forsyth (6a4)
  • Ciara Connolly (6a4)
  • Stephen Caulfied (6a5)
  • Laura Mackie (6a7)
  • Eilidh Deeney (6a7)
  • John La Combre (6a7)
  • David Martin (6a7)
  • Monica Reilly (6a8)
  • Jamie Smith (6a10)

There will be a question and answer session with representatives from parties running in the 2015 General Election. This will give our pupils an opportunity to voice their opinions on the issue of the living wage.

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