Scottish International Netballer Visits St Ninian’s

The S1 and  S2 netball teams were lucky enough to meet Scotland netball player Lynsey Gallagher this afternoon. Lynsey kindly agreed to come in and speak to the girls and give them advice on their play and the mental attitude required to play sport at a high level.

Lynsey represented Scotland in the 2014 Commonwealth Games  and has been part of the Scotland squad since she was 17 years old. Now, aged 22, she has gained experience travelling all over the world with the Scottish Thistles. She spent an hour with the S2 team giving them advice and answering any questions they had. It was an extremely valuable experience for the pupils and one which seemed to have a positive impact on them.

Many thanks to Lynsey for giving her time to come in and speak to our pupils.

More photographs can be viewed here.

Lynsey Gallagher visits St Ninian's

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