Glasgow Music Festival

The following pupils from the Junior Debate and Public Speaking Club will be attending the Glasgow Music Festival today:

  • Andrew Ward (1a3)
  • Ciara Duncan (1a3)
  • Euan Monro (1a4)
  • Caterina Lue (1a5)
  • Cara Wotherspoon (1a5)
  • Mia Jennings (1a5)
  • Megan Curran (2a1)
  • Holly Edgar (2a1)
  • Rhona Mowat (2a6)
  • Anna Gallagher (3a4)
  • Jessica McKeever (3a4)
  • Hepsi Xavier (3a5)
  • Carmen Garcia-Ferres (3a10)

Wishing them an enjoyable trip!

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