Road Safety Week (17-23 November 2014): Look Out For Each Other

We all use roads to get around and most of us use them in different ways: often a mix of walking, catching the bus or driving, and maybe cycling, running or skating too. Of course, however we use roads, we are all people underneath just trying to get about, but our young people need protecting by those of us in charge of vehicles. 

Yet sometimes it can feel like roads are angry places where different road users are in different tribes and competing for space and priority. A simple lack of consideration and care can have awful consequences. It can mean people feel less able to get out and about and less likely to choose walking and cycling: young people not being allowed to walk to school or not feeling able to cycle, families being more inclined to always use the car. It can also lead to tragedy: people suffering horrific injuries or even being killed because of someone going too fast, too close or not looking out.

The roads around the school are very busy at all times.

Wouldn’t it be better if, instead of being stressful and risky, our roads were places where everyone looked out for and protected each other, particularly our young people.

In this year’s campaign we’re asking everyone to look out for each other on roads, because being selfish can easily lead to tragedy. Why not make it our duty to protect young people on foot and bike by slowing down to 20 in the Park and around the roads of Eastwood. Look longer and take it slow at junctions and bends, giving people plenty of room. Put the safety of our young people first and be considerate to one another, encouraging people on foot and bike to never take chances, and make sure they can be seen.

Show your commitment to care and compassion on roads by making and sharing the brake pledge

Please Look out for each other and especially our young people

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