Junior Film Club

Congratulations to Michael Doyle (2A6) and Heather McHugh (1A9) for winning Review of the Week in the S1/2 Film Club for their reviews of Jumanji and The Secret of the Unicorn respectively. The reviews are as follows:
If you should, God Forbid, come across a box that has a spear piercing the word ‘Jumanji’, don’t open it. No matter how annoying that consistent drumming noise is, seriously, just take one for the team (because no one else can hear it) and DON’T OPEN THE BOX.
This amazing game film starring the late but amazing Robin Williams promises to take you on a thrill ride through. With the cast including a bullied kid trapped in a jungle for 26 years, his girlfriend, a compulsive liar, a boy-turned monkey, a stampede, a lion, a few mosquitos, spiders,, gigantic poisonous plants, some out-of-control partying monkeys and a psychotic hunter from ‘back-in-the-day’ with a striking moustache and an unquenchable thirst for the hunt.
I found this film hugely entertaining and packed with adrenaline from the start and I would definitely recommend this film to all other film clubs.
Remember, DON’T OPEN THE BOX! (Michael Doyle)
The name of this movie is very misleading, if you go into this expecting unicorns and rainbows you will be very disappointed. Instead you will find: a drunk, a kleptomaniac (someone who feels the need to steal things), two slightly half-witted detectives, pirate battles, a boy genius and a loveable dog. So, with the above description, you’re probably wondering what sort of movie this could possibly come from? The answer to that is Tintin – The Secret of the Unicorn. In this movie our protagonist, Tintin, purchases a model of a ship named the ‘Unicorn’ which has a part of a map stored inside. Now if YOU were in this position I think you would search for the rest of the pieces because of curiosity, right? Well that’s exactly what Tintin does encountering many problems along the way, like: theft, kidnapping, a drunk sidekick and an opera singer. You know, normal kid problems.

This movie is perfect for any age and it kept me on the edge of my seat, most of the time. This is where I explain why I gave this movie a four star review. While the animation is scarily realistic it’s probably the only realistic part of this movie and normally I hate unrealistic movies but I actually really love this one. It’s quite funny but the jokes are quite cheesy and I could see why people would have a problem with this movie. This movie is great for audiences young and old and if you get the chance, watch it! (Heather McHugh)

Well done to both pupils who have won a fantastic goody bag.
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