Bishop John Keenan Celebrates Mass

Our Annual Mass for Pupils sitting SQA Exams was well attended and we are grateful to all pupils, staff, families and friends of the school who joined us for this Mass. The main concelebrant for Bishop John Keenan.

In his homily, Bishop John encouraged pupils to be confident in approaching their exams as they had much about which to be confident. He assured them that Jesus ‘had ears’ to listen to their prayers and to pray to him and that he would answer their prayers. He reminded pupils of the readings at the Mass which should how the Apostles learned from their teacher, Jesus and that they say the fruit of their faith in him through the miracles they were able to work but the Apostles did not take the glory for this but praised Jesus.

In a resounding affirmation of the partnership of Church, home and school, Bishop John asked pupils to remember the hard work of their teachers before and after the exams. They can be confident that their teachers have taught them well and that they should remember to thank their teachers after the exams.

To view more photos of the Mass click here.

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