Sunday 8 December 2013: the Second Sunday of Advent

By Fr David Gibbons, Centre for Catholic Formation, Archdiocese of Southwark

First Reading: Isaiah predicts the coming of the Messiah – who will be of the line of David (which is what “from the stock of Jesse” means) -and lists the gifts he will have. These gifts are remarkably similar to six of the seven-fold gifts of the Spirit. He will also bring in an age of peace. Note to readers: the sc in ‘scion’ is pronounced as in ‘scientist’. 

The Psalm is one of the psalms known as royal psalms, and continues the First Reading’s foretelling of the Messiah, who will be king and saviour.

Characteristically, in the Second Reading St Paul suggests a practical outcome of our belief in Christ, namely that we should treat each other as Christ has treated us. In this way will glory be given to God.

Gospel: the great Advent figure of St John the Baptist appears. He is the last of the Old Testament prophets, preaching repentance and dressing like Elijah. He is also the first New Testament saint, preparing a way for Christ. Like the Baptist we too should prepare a way for Christ, both for Him to come into our own lives and also for other people to receive the good news of Christ.

On Monday we observe the Solemnity of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Mass Readings emphasise the role of Mary, mother of the Saviour, in the history of our salvation.

Thought for Advent 2

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