Harvard University Lecture
On Monday of this week a group of S6 pupils attended a lecture in the school from Arlene Holmes-Henderson, a member of Harvard’s UK team, about the opportunity of studying in the U.S. and in particular Harvard University.
Arlene was educated in Hamilton, South Lanarkshire, and studied Classics as an undergraduate at Oxford University. From there she has completed a Post graduate degree at Harvard. a Doctorate at Glasgow and is now employed as lecturer at Cambridge University.
Arlene gave a truly inspiring presentation encouraging our young people to ‘aim high’ and offering them detailed information about the application and selection process for Harvard, and, indeed, for any University in the US. She then took time to answer the questions of individual pupils and offered her services to ‘mentor’ any student who expressed an interest in applying.
Arlene has since contacted the school to express her ‘absolute pleasure’ at meeting our S6 pupils and how impressed she was by their engagement, maturity and manners. She finished of by saying that they were ‘a credit to the school’. Well done to everyone concerned!
A copy of Arlene’s powerpoint is below. Please contact Mr. Macdonald (Depute Head Teacher) if you require further information.